Thursday, May 22, 2008

Last few days have been remarkable in my city. With strong winds blowing almost all through the day; we have been having a rare lapse from the usual hot and humid air. I have grown to love this city for this and how fast and drastically it can change. Even after knowing and loving it for 12 long years, it can still surprise on its given day.
It has been one of the more serene nights I have had of late. Marked with drifting silences and occasional flashes of thunder; the breeze blowing incessantly……..rustling through everything and stuffing dust into the smallest crannies; its been a night close to the bare originality of things without any adulteration.
While most would find a thunderstorm thoroughly intimidating; it has brought me feelings of awe, wonderment and mirth for as long as I can remember. I have found myself oddly reflective, perceptive and closer to my faith on such occasions; have felt my emotions shift with the weather; being as fickle as the winds of my city and likewise, always full of pleasant surprises.


raheel said...

".. the bare originality of things without any adulteration."



Shadow said...


raheel said...

its a spiral mate... words point unto words and it all ends up into a loop ... no referent ... its all a simulacra

or so i believe


raheel said...

but u did it nicely ..

i lyked it

Shadow said...

:) I just wrote what I felt like writing.